Note that the files are still in the same directory, they are just visually nested under main.ts. In addition to the user interaction that is supported for grouping, you can press Ctrl + - to collapse a selected group node and Ctrl + + to expand it. files under the main.ts file, as shown in the following screenshot: You can now collapse the main.ts file and reduce the clutter.

So I don't buy one person saying "I wouldn't ever need to do that". After enabling the file nesting feature and configuring it, VS Code will visually group the main. Open the Keyboard Shortcut by pressing Ctrl + K then Ctrl + S and search for Collapse, you will see the Collapse Folders in Explorer key binding (It is. If you do it while you have a project open, you might notice that the files package-lock.json and yarn.lock files get nested under package.json. Related info from release notes: Is there a way to unify single-folder folders in vs code Share Improve this answer Follow answered at 18:47 Mark 137k 24 405 415 24 Also, if you use JSON settings, this property is 'pactFolders': false. Go ahead and do it by toggling the File Nesting: Enabled setting. 235 Disable/uncheck Explorer: Compact Folders in your settings. Such as, I like to expand all projects and use Snag-it to create a jpg (using a scrolling print screen of the solution explorer tree) so I can just look at the project on paper, make notes, whatever on the structure/patterns, etc. After updating to VS Code v1.67, file nesting will not be enabled by default. Again I said there are valid reasons to want to do this. Popularity 9/10 Helpfulness 2/10 Language shell.

Ctrl+K Ctrl+J Unfold (uncollapse) all regions. For macOS: + Shift + E) Ctrl + ( Corresponding command is llapseAll. Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 Fold (collapse) all regions editor.foldAll. Solution: Ctrl + Shift + E ( Corresponding command is View: Show Explorer. Ctrl+K Ctrl+ Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions editor.unfoldRecursively. It's when I analyze a solution for the first time that has MANY projects in it (discoverability and just getting familiar with what's going on in LARGE solutions).lets say you go to a new company on a new gig or whatever the case may be.Īlso, while I also do not sit there and expand projects and folders while I code, making a point here though I am not you and you should not assume everyone thinks like you do or is "satisfied" with not being able to expand all projects quickly outside of just collapsing all projects. Ctrl+K Ctrl+ Fold (collapse) all subregions editor.foldRecursively. It's not when I'm working in code that I want to be able to dot his. Oh common, first off you aren't getting my context.